Sheila Fayson
Phone: (352)256-8558
Alternate: 352-222-0347

Sheila Fayson

Key Leader

Gainesville, FL 32609


Sheila Fayson of Gainesville, Florida began her insurance career after an early retirement from the medical field in 2011. In 2013, she affiliated with Freedom Agency Financial. A pastor friend, Pastor Buck Rollins, introduced life insurance to her and Sheila realized it was an opportunity that she had always wanted, “to start a home based business”. She soon came to realize that being an insurance agent was more than a business, it was a way of protecting families from financial hardships when they experience the loss of a loved one. Sheila experienced the death of both mother and father at a young age and because her dad had put life insurance in place she and her 8 siblings did not have to beg, borrow or “go fund me” after their deaths and the family home is still in the family today! Her mission has become, to inform as many families as possible that insurance is a ‘must have’, for your family. Sheila was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio she is a Navy Vet, and lived over 20 years in San Diego CA, where her son, daughter-in-law and 3 grandchildren still live. Presently, she resides in Florida with her wonderful husband Tom Fayson. Sheila thanks God for the opportunities and the positive mentorship she receives from being associated with the Alliance an Integrity Company.


Our mission is to provide the best financial products with the kind of in-home, professional service that is second to none. Our operating credo is: "Your clients don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." We take a personal interest in each and every one of our clients. We believe that knowing our clients' wants and needs is the foundation to recommending the best financial strategies that will provide exactly what each client wants.